Political divides grow wider locally and nationally


Max Gaffin ('22)

The rift between Democrats and Republicans continues to grow wider.

By Max Gaffin, Ziv Amsili, Brielle Lampf, Sami Bell, and Jamie Bookbinder

Our political climate has been increasingly polarizing. At a time when the middle ground seems non-existent, it is hard to speak about political views and current hot topics and issues. At a time when America, known across the world as the United States, seems more divided. At a time when you may be classified as educated or unaware, your knowledge may reflect your character. In this package, we will dive into the causes of this issue and see how the political polarization seeps into our life as Cherry Hill High School East students. We will find how politics are taught and how they should be taught. In the midst of these tense times, bringing up facts and actual events like the recent Capitol attacks, the 2020 Election, conflicting tensions between Democrats and Republicans, a 50/50 split Senate, new voter suppression laws, a heavily conservative and originalist-viewing Supreme Court, and inhumane legislative policies make some feel uneasy. In a time when facts and feelings blur, the place for politics, as well as current events in the classroom, is uncertain. In a time when humanitarian and social matters are deemed political. How can we trust the media? How do we teach politics to students of divided households? How do we learn of who to vote for and where to find our own beliefs?

This story was originally published on April 10, 2021, and continues on Eastside.