History’s Forgotten: Season 2 Episode 3: Veterans Day

Journalists discuss history of federal holiday

Alyssa Clark

A graphic featuring photos of History Forgotten hosts seniors Christi Norris, Caleb Audia and Amanda Hare introduces the third episode of the show. In this episode, Norris, Audia and Hare talk about the history of veterans day. Veterans day occurred Thursday, Nov. 11. (Graphic by Amanda Hare, Photos by Alyssa Clark)

By Christi Norris, Amanda Hare, and Caleb Audia

In the third episode of season two of History’s Forgotten, seniors Christi Norris, Amanda Hare, and Caleb Audia discuss the history of Veterans Day. Veterans day was originally named armistice day to commemorate the ending of World War One on Nov. 11, 1918 at 11 a.m. Veterans Day is still celebrated on this day but now honors veterans of any war. Armistice Day is still celebrated throughout the world by many countries involved in the first world war.

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This story was originally published on Eagle Nation Online on November 11, 2021.