- Over 16,000 stories were submitted to Best of SNO this year. We published just over 2,400. Of those, here are 18 stories that stood out, in no particular order.
“I didn't know what, but I knew something was wrong,” said Tammy Webster, former basketball star and paraeducator. Webster first began to notice signs that something was off when she was playing basketball and exercising. “I couldn't walk right, I was tripping, I couldn't grip things,” said Webster. “I was playing in basketball leagues, and I started to have trouble running … [it] felt like I had bricks on my legs.” Webster was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) nine years ago in late 2014. ALS is a neurological disorder that attacks the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control muscle movement and breathing. In most cases, there is not a cause behind the development of the illness; it just happens by chance. The main symptom of ALS...
By Seychelle Marks-Bienen, La Salle Catholic Preparatory High School
By Allie Deutsch, McLean High School
By Melinda Wang, Archer School for Girls
By Crystal Zhu and Eileen Zhu
By Hope Zhu, Wake Forest University
By Kathia Noriega, Golden Gate Xpress
By Sunthi Jong, Golden Gate Xpress
We post new content daily, so we’re always on the prowl for great writing, original images, video, and whatever else you’ve got up your sleeve.