Time Out! Ep. 2: Emi and Miya Kosakura

Diving into Emi and Miya Kosakura’s relationship both on and off the basketball court


Krish Dev

Emi and Miya Kosakura pose for a photo with their parents on senior night.

By Dahlia Schilling, Monta Vista High School

DS: Hello everyone, my name is Dahlia Schilling and welcome to episode number two of Time Out! Each episode we will be diving into the sport scene here at Monta Vista High School and explore the journeys of athletes from various sports. This episode I’m joined by senior Emi Kosakura and sophomore Miya Kosakura, who are both on the varsity girls basketball team. Both of them have been playing basketball since kindergarten, and for the past two years have played on the same team together. Emi had previously played on the varsity team with her older sister Kelli Kosakura before she graduated in 2021. This episode will dive into their relationship both on and off the court.

DS: How does your relationship on the court affect your relationship off the court?

EK: I would say we try to keep it separate like on the basketball court. It’s not the same as it would be at home. But at the same time, there are parts where our relationship is the same. Just because like we understand each other on the court. I know I can like trust her. And I know where she’ll be on the court. So at times, in that sense, yes. But otherwise, I wouldn’t say it’s the same.

MK: Yeah I think it’s pretty on different on the court. I know how Emi plays and she knows how I play so it’s kind of, I think it’s more trusting on the court. Sometimes after practices and such we could get mad at each other. So that’s kind of where it translates from home.

EK: Even though like we didn’t play with each other prior to this. Just like, I’ve grown up watching her games, she’s grown up watching my games along with our older sister too. We know how we play. Each play separately. So just like taking our strengths and putting it together. Because we know what each other are capable of.

MK: Yeah I would say we know each other’s personnel pretty well. Seeing each other, play growing up. But I guess it all comes together in the end.

DS: Yeah. How do you guys keep basketball and home separate?

EK: After practices or games if one of us is like frustrated or something we would like complain or like rant to each other. Like Miya said, we like, I would get mad at Miya more than I would get mad at my other teammates. But in the end it all comes from the heart.

MK: Yeah I think, I’m definitely more comfortable around Emi, just growing up with her. I don’t know. I know she gets mad at me a lot and I get mad at her so it’s all love in the end.

DS: Has playing on the same team ever like caused tension in your relationship?

EK: I can’t really recall like a specific moment where playing basketball with her has caused tension in our relationship. But there are like small instances like after practice or a game where like I would get upset or act out of my own frustration. Normally it’ll go away in like, less than a day.

MK: I think it’s more like an instantaneous, momentary type of thing. It’s never long term.

DS: Has there ever been a point where you guys wished that you were on separate teams?

EK: Being able to play with both my older sister and younger sister is something special and I don’t, I wouldn’t change it. I don’t know as cliche as this sounds like just like to enjoy every moment we have the other on the court because Miya and I didn’t really get the opportunity to play together that much. But those moments that we did, I really appreciated it and like I know that I’ll like cherish those memories even though we weren’t on the court together all the time.

MK: Yeah I would say the same thing. I know like I didn’t get to play with my oldest sister but I think over the past few years I’ve learned a lot from Emi. And just having someone to look up to that like in my family and that I can relate to and talk to. It’s been really nice.

Miya, Kelli and Emi Kosakura pose for a photo (Photo courtesy of Miya Kosakura)

DS: To Emi, how would you compare being on the same team with Miya to being on the same team as Kelli?

EK: It’s definitely very different just because of the like, different role that I’ve had playing with Kelli and playing with Miya. Playing with Kelli she was obviously the older one so I had someone to look up to in that sense. What I liked about playing with Kelli, is that she understood, similar to Miya she understood my playing style. So she would like know how to get me the ball and also when I played with Kelli she was the point guard. So I felt like I didn’t have as much pressure, or I didn’t put as much pressure on myself. Because Kelli had that role. And then after she left whenI played with Miya, I felt like I had to fill that role. And it’s been definitely a lot harder just because of the pressure that I put on myself.

DS: What do you guys admire about each other on and off the court?

MK: I admire perseverance and resilience, I guess. Off the court she’s been really I don’t know, a role model and I always admire how she keeps going through all the obstacles and makes the most of her time. On the court I admire her ability to see the court and make these very great passes to inside.

EK: Off the court I definitely admire Miya’s hard work and work ethic. On the court I really appreciate how supportive she is and also when playing, I don’t know if she knows but like how much of like a leader she is. Because when we scrimmage each other she has to be the point guard on the other team sometimes. I like sometimes I can see the frustration sometimes but like, just like pushing through and like helping. Helping other people on a team succeed is definitely something that I admire.

MK: I’m definitely gonna miss having a family member to play with and like take me to the games and drive me home. Having to go two years by myself, I don’t know what I’m, or like how I am going to handle all of it. But we’ll see.

EK: For me personally, junior and senior year were insanely hard. Not just like school wise, obviously like basketball. Emotionally, and physically, like everything was just like so much harder for me. So I would tell Miya take time for yourself. Like, I know it can get very overwhelming, especially during basketball season, but just try to stay composed and just not letting anything or anyone like get to you because I know it got to me last year and I think that ultimately like affected how I played the rest of the season.

EK: I don’t think we expected to be crying right now.

DS: It’s completely fine.

EK: I never really appreciated getting to play with her until, until it’s over. I always like talked about how I got to play with both my sisters. But I think each one is very different and special in its own way. And honestly probably the last year to play was more fun.

MK: Yay.

EK: I definitely know I’m going to miss just being on the court with her. Even all the fun like moments like in between just like going on boba runs after practice. Complaining about all the 17s we have to run or just, just even driving to and from practice. All those memories or all those moments are things that I will cherish and I’m definitely going to miss next year. But I know Miya will do great next year. And she can drive herself, like it’ll be fine.

MK: I think I’ve taken for granted all these moments. I guess he didn’t take the time to appreciate how special this was especially like playing with my sister. I didn’t know like not that many people get to experience that. Something I will always appreciate.

DS: That’s it for episode number two of Time Out. Thank you so much. Emi and Miya for taking time with me. I’m Dahlia Schilling. Thanks for tuning in.

This story was originally published on El Estoque on March 24, 2023.