Adams captains pro frisbee team

Submitted by Brendan Adams

Coach Brendan Adams throws the frisbee during a match with his old team. He got his start playing frisbee at Texas A&M.

By Jacob Valcarce, Kingwood Park High School

In 2014, math teacher and coach Brendan Adams was just a junior at Texas A&M. Adams, with only so much experience, tried out and made it to the school’s frisbee team. Adams played his junior and senior year.

“We made it to Nationals, which is like the biggest college tournament pretty much,” Adams said. “I’ve played against tons of other colleges. There’s probably about 600, 700 teams in the nation, at nationals only the top 25 make it. I got to that level my junior and senior year.”

After that experience in college frisbee, Adams decided to go play club frisbee. He was on a team out of Austin called “Double Wide.” On that team, Adams’ success in the frisbee world continues as his team makes second at nationals. With that victory, they qualified for the “Worlds” tournament.

“The following summer, we went and played ‘Worlds’ and got third in the world in that tournament.”

After the Worlds tournament, Adams played for a couple other teams, one of them including the Houston Clutch.

In 2018, Adams tried out for a pro league called the American Ultimate Disc League. He made it, and played for the Austin Sol.

Adams played with people from different areas – including some of his old A&M teammates.

After going back and forth between Austin and Houston, Adams thought the pro league wasn’t for him, and he decided to go back to club level. However, someone came in contact with Adams for a chance to try out for Houston’s brand new team – the Houston Havoc.

“At tryouts there were over 100 people at trials and we had a lot of throwing drills, a lot of cutting drills,” Adams said. “Then just a lot of just playing and seeing how you play together with certain people.”

When Adams made the team, he once again made it with old teammates from Texas A&M. Also, he made it as one of the captains on the team.

“I actually got a phone call from the general manager, telling me that I made the team,” Adams said. “I was just super excited because, I mean, I hadn’t played at the pro level in five years, so I didn’t even think I had a shot.”

His practices are on Wednesday and Sunday nights, with a few Saturdays. Usually it doesn’t interfere with teaching or coaching, but every once in a while, his practice will bleed into a track meet.

“They sent us workouts and stuff to do on our own throughout the week, so as long as I keep up with all of that and am consistent with all of that, I’m pretty good to go,” Adams said.

The first game for Adams was on April 29 at AVEVA Stadium. Sophomore Brad Garcia and junior Jaydon Moyer went to the game, just to name a few.

“Coach Adams is a really big role model to me,” Moyer said. “Even outside of school at church camp and everything. He supports us through everything. So I decided, why not? Let’s go get some of our friends, and let’s go watch him play.”

Adams has a tight-knit relationship with a lot of his students such as Moyer. Moyer even got to play frisbee with Adams and some of the other Houston Havoc team members.

“We’re very close,” Moyer said. “It’s like a big brother, little brother type of bond. He’s someone that I can go to if I’m struggling with something.”

The Houston Havoc’s next home game for the season will be held on June 3 at AVEVA Stadium.

“The first game we’re playing is Austin Sol, so they’re one of the top teams in our division,” Adams said. “So really our goal for that first game is just seeing how we all play together because we haven’t really seen that yet.”

This story was originally published on Park Times on May 23, 2023.