In the heart of the American Midwest, Wiktor Waligóra arrived as a transfer exchange student from Poland to Parkway Central High School for the 2021-22 school year. His journey wasn’t just purely academic, but rather an immersion in American culture; an opportunity to explore his passions through a different lens. Now back in Poland, he’s become a sensation in the music field, having a large online following, and making live appearances in Polish concerts and festivals.
Before his success, Waligóra’s inspiration to write and perform songs was cultivated in his time in St. Louis. Having arrived as a senior, he explored various activities that fostered his adoration for music, for example, being an active member of Central’s theater and choir.
“I think I gained more confidence there,” Waligóra said. “I had time to think about my future and my feelings which now helps me write songs.”
As Waligóra looks back on his year abroad, he remembers it as a time filled with special moments and unforgettable people. One of the most treasured parts of his experience was the friends he made.
“My favorite memory is making amazing friends and getting to meet a lot of great people,” Waligóra said.
His journey to the US was made possible thanks to the nonprofit organization Youth for Understanding. Stephen Rutherford, Waligóra’s host parent, has been hosting YFU students since 2005 and plans to continue doing so. He played a crucial role in easing Waligóra’s transition into American life, offering support and encouragement to pursue his musical passion during his time abroad.
“We have a piano that has long sat silent,” Rutherford said. “Wiktor made our piano come alive and he filled our home with music.”
Since releasing his first single, “Przypomnieć nas,” in April, Waligora has accumulated over 155,00 plays on Spotify, and is nearing 810,00 views on his YouTube channel. Additionally, he’s had several opportunities to play in concerts across Poland. At only 20 years old, many would expect Waligóra to have an ambitious milestone or goal, but that’s not necessarily the case.
“I don’t think there is an end goal, my dream is to make music that people enjoy and relate to,” Waligóra said.
While Waligóra had been immersed in music and singing for most of his life in Poland, theater was a new experience for him in the States. Nevertheless, his dedication to mastering this new art form not only earned him meaningful roles in various plays, but also honed his performance skills, which he would later take advantage of in his concerts.
“‘The Music Man’ was his first experience performing in a musical,” Rutherford said. “He enjoyed it so much that he auditioned for a musical in Grand Center’s theater district and got it.”
Waligóra’s vibrant personality made an impact on his peers, among them was junior Jonathan Chin. As a close friend during his year at Parkway Central, Chin shared memorable moments through soccer and tennis, in addition to hanging out after school. It was through these shared experiences that Chin grew to admire Waligóra’s exceptional talents.
“Sometimes, after tennis we would go back to school and play the piano and sing together,” Chin said.
This story was originally published on Corral on October 9, 2023.