Sophomore Opal Kadam: Welcome to the Innovators of West podcast, and today I am joined by Bryson Meriac, who runs a successful political and geography focused YouTube channel called GeoGlimpse. Can you quickly introduce yourself and tell us what your channel is about?
Sophomore Bryson Meriac: Yeah, sure. My YouTube channel is called GeoGlimpse, and I’ve been interested in learning geopolitics for years now, and I love to share that. So, I like to create YouTube videos to help others learn, and sometimes I just create some for fun that aren’t educational at all.
Kadam: I think it’s interesting that you pointed out that you’ve had an interest in politics and geography. So I would like to ask you, what inspired you to start a channel, and was there a specific event or topic or personal interest that motivated you?
Meriac: So, whenever I was in eighth grade, my history teacher, I don’t exactly remember what it was, but it was something about the U.S.’s geography, and it really inspired me, so I went out and I learned about the whole world, and then eventually I wanted to share that with others.
Kadam: Okay, thank you. That was a very insightful answer. So I’d like to ask you another question. Your channel combines politics and geography. So how would you say these two topics connect in your content, and why do you think it’s important to present them together?
Meriac: So politics is a lot more about, you know, government and a lot more human involved stuff, where geography is like the features of the earth, and they’re both really, really intertwined with each other. Because, you know, politics and geography can see what countries control with, like natural resources, you know, like oil or maybe timber. And political geography has a lot to do with that. Alongside, you know, Earth’s natural geography, there’s also climate, political boundaries, tons of stuff like that.
Kadam: I agree with what you’re saying. Politics and geography are very interconnected topics as one affects the other. So I would like to move on to how you think. What is your process of making one of your videos from research to your final upload? If you could please share that with us, thank you.
Meriac: Of course. So first I have to choose a topic, of course, and often I’ll do that from a viewer or friend or somebody else, and then I’ll research it, write a script, and then just record it, and then edit it in my editing software.
Kadam: Interesting, interesting. So with that video editing process, I’m sure you’re trying to target a specific audience. So I’d like to ask you, what kind of audience are you targeting, and how have your viewers responded so far?
Meriac: Um, I wouldn’t really say I’m trying to reach a specific kind of audience, just really anybody that’s willing to listen, or anybody that really wants to learn anything about anything, y’know? And what was the other part of the question?
Kadam: How do you think your viewers have responded to your videos so far? Negatively? Positively?
Meriac: Most of it’s fairly positive. Every now and then, you know, of course, we’ll make a mistake, and people call me out, but I’m fine with that.
Kadam: Yeah. So I really like your message of trying to go all across the board and reach the widest audience possible, so you’re informing as many people as you can, which I think is really great, especially when you’re trying to inform people about current day issues, conflicts and news, right?
Meriac: Yeah, of course.
Kadam: You’ve probably covered some complex or controversial topics. How do you keep your content clear, balanced and engaging?
Meriac: Well, yes, I’ve covered some very controversial topics, and right now I have one in the works about Israel and Palestine. So I guess the best way to stay as credible and often balanced as possible is go out of your comfort zone, especially if you know that you have your own bias, and try to research stuff from both sides, for example, with Israel and Palestine: see how the Israelis are responding, and see how the Palestinians are responding, and see what both sides always are thinking. That way, you’ll know the full story.
Kadam: I think that was a really great answer, considering that you’re trying to give your viewers the most relevant news.
Meriac: Of course.
Kadam: Do you have a favorite video that you’ve created so far, and what makes it stand out to you?
Meriac: Okay, I’d say probably that my favorite video is titled “Breakaway Regions Explained,” and it’s because it has a lot of conflict that oftentimes isn’t really covered by the mainstream media, especially here in America. But it’s still very complicated stuff that’s going on right now.
Kadam: Yeah, I like that video as well. I believe it’s a series, right?
Meriac: Um, actually not that one, but I was planning on turning it into a series maybe some time in the future.
Kadam: So for the future, where do you see your channel going in the future? Are there any new topics or formats you’re going to explore, like a docuseries or something like that?
Meriac: Um, yeah, I’m actually currently making a docuseries right now, and I will be releasing a trailer for that soon. In the future, I hope my channel, of course, can grow larger, and hopefully, I’ll get much, much better at doing what I’m currently doing, and the videos will hopefully improve as well.
Kadam: Lastly, where can listeners find you? And do you have any advice for others who want to start a channel on something educational like that?
Meriac: Yeah, yeah. So if you want to find me, just search up GeoGlimpse on YouTube. That’s probably the easiest way. And if you want to make your own YouTube channel, you don’t really need anything except for yourself and wanting to teach others or just wanting to learn about it yourself. You don’t need, like, some fancy editing software or some fancy computer. You can always just go on Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint and use some fancy transitions. As long as you’re really interested in what you’re doing, somebody else is going to like it.
Kadam: Okay, yeah, I feel like that’s a good message to keep, keep that passion within you when you’re trying to grow your little channel. Okay, that was all. Thank you for joining me and have a–
Meriac: Thank you so much for inviting me–
Kadam: Great night.
Kadam: Thank you for listening in on the first episode of Innovators of West. And I hope you’re excited for more episodes to come, so stay tuned, and as always, go Longhorns.
This story was originally published on Pathfinder on February 24, 2025.