Throughout the music and performing arts programs at Revere High School (RHS), there is one student who shows talent and leadership throughout. Junior Miah Palmer’s school day and after school activities are packed full of music.
Palmer has been in band since fifth grade and plays the trumpet. She has been in Revere Players since her freshman year and this is her first year in choir, where she is a member of the symphonic choir and Revere’s a cappella group, Reverse.
During marching band season, Palmer was a trumpet section leader. She explained her duties during the season.
“I was the music section leader for the second trumpets, so I was the one, whenever we were split into sectionals, I would take them and we would go. . . . I kind of helped them learn how to march and everything,” Palmer said.
Palmer, now in the concert band season, remains a leader for not only the surrounding trumpet players, but the whole band. Band director Tom Chiera explained how she is helpful to students around her.
”She’s one who just sets an example and has been consistent through the season. . . . I think she does a good job making herself welcoming, consistent and calm. [She is] welcoming to her classmates that if they are looking for help, looking for advice, they want to ask questions, I think she opens herself up to be receptive to that,” he said.
Chiera also explained how Palmer is not only a leader in band, but she also shows her musical talent.
“There’s five trumpets sitting next to each other. She’s right in the middle. She can hear everything. So, her job can be a little bit more challenging in that she’s got to blend in with the different sounds, different personalities around her. . . . Playing more, so on the individual preparation, they have to learn more music and prepare more music to a little bit more on their own before they come in. Again. I think she’s a good example of a student who is handling that responsibility really well,” Chiera said.
Although Palmer has been playing her trumpet for seven years in total, this is her first year in both Symphonic Choir and A Cappella. Palmer explained that she originally auditioned for a cappella her sophomore year but decided not to go to the group audition. She explained why she decided to come back and complete the audition process for her junior year.
”I decided to do it again because one of my really good friends is in it, and she was like, ’It’s so fun, it’s so fun.’ and I was like, ’Okay. I’ll do it then.’ And low key, best decision I’ve ever made actually. And then the [symphonic] choir happened to be mandatory,” Palmer said.
Although Palmer has not been in choir long, fellow Reverse A Cappella member Holly Gayner said that she has already become a leader among the group.
“Miah is such a great friend and leader without even trying. She naturally just attracts people and everyone loves to be around her. She had a genuine passion for music and she is so invested. For being in choir not that many years she has so much prior knowledge, and she makes going to class so fun,” she said.
Palmer expressed how she was glad she decided to give choir a second chance this year. She said that without a cappella, she would have never auditioned for a solo she received for one of their songs.
”[For] our fall concert, I was the soloist for one of our songs, and usually I don’t really audition for solos like that. But a cappella kind of gave me that little push. . . . So I went for it, and I ended up getting the solo. And now I’ve been, I feel like, so much more confident in my solo singing abilities and everything,” Palmer said.
She explained that since she is newer to singing, her choir solos take a lot more mental preparation compared to solos she has had in band. Palmer pushing herself to audition and sing her solo part has boosted her confidence.
“For choir, since it’s more voice that involves more of my chest voice, which is me belting and I’m not really used to that. So [the preparation] involved me just kind of convincing myself that I could belt,” she said.
Along with her helping her confidence, Palmer explained that choir has also helped her in Revere Players.
Before I joined choir I didn’t have the best singing [techniques]. . . . I didn’t know how to belt healthily or use my mix, which is in between my belt and my falsetto,” she said.
Palmer said that the reason she enjoys both Revere Players and RHS’s choir programs so much is because of the people in both programs. She said that both have an environment where “you can work and play at the same time.”
She explained that Revere Players has also allowed her to branch out and meet different kinds of students.
“I think I’ve gained a lot of friendships that aren’t just in my grade, and then at the same time, I’ve enhanced friendships with people who are in my grade. So [it is nice to] be able to talk to people who are underclassmen and then talk to some seniors,” Palmer said.
Throughout all three musical groups Palmer is a part of, her peers and teachers have both seen her talent and leader-like traits. Palmer will perform in Revere Players’ spring musical How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying in April. She will also take part in Districts for both band and choir on March 14.
This story was originally published on Lantern on March 12, 2025.