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Bringing a smile to the community, one dessert at a time

By Varun Saravanan

Whisk three eggs with one and a half cups of sugar.

Fold in the flour.

Pipe it onto a tray and let it sit for 30 minutes, and while it waits, finish up some practice for AP Bio, or work on the latest dance routine.

Between being a staff reporter for Wingspan and Red Rhythm captain, senior Hannah Beeler still makes time for the smaller things she enjoys.

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While most people take a hobby for a few months and drop it, Beeler has taken her skills to another level.

“Just baking is just a passion that I’ve always had, so it was something I kind of want to expand on, a lot of people had been telling me that, like, oh my gosh, I really like the macarons or the cookies that you’re making. you could totally sell these, and that’s what I actually ended up doing,” Beeler said. “I was like, you know, why not? why not just make it into a little side business that I could do something that I love and make a little bit of profit on the side as well? I love baking because it really just brings me closer to those around me.”

That’s how Beeler started Tearose Bakery just before ninth grade, and she has continued baking throughout her years of high school.

With school, extracurriculars, and work on her plate, she looks to her family for some support.

“She had quite the passion of baking ever since she was in fifth, sixth grade,” mom Janet Beeler said. “She was baking on her own, so I try to find ways to be her sous chef.”

Hannah tries to bring her talents to those around her, but her baking didn’t start off with the vision of Tearose Bakery or a business at all, as she enjoys the sense of community her baking business brings. 

“I think it’s always so exciting to see when I give my friends or family baked goods like their face lights up because they like how it tastes or they like how it looked,” Beeler said. “It’s just how I bring joy to the people around me, and it’s just such a rewarding feeling seeing that others enjoy my baked goods, and it brings a smile to their face.”

This story was originally published on Wingspan on December 22, 2022.