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Female kicker breaks stereotypes

Deon McGill
Freshman Addison Duprey kicks off against Green Run High School on Sept. 13, 2023 in the first official JV game of the season.

A kick from the 11-yard line sends the football soaring through the air and straight through the goalposts. Freshman Addison Duprey, kicker for the JV football team, cheers with joy. 

“I was definitely nervous at the first [football] practice,” said Addison. “I could tell everyone was wondering why I was there.”

Fortunately, the initial discomfort of joining a male dominated sport didn’t last long. 

“I have an older brother, so being on the football team feels very similar to that, we’re all pretty comfortable with each other,” said Addison.

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Joining a new sport brings new challenges, but Addison’s background in soccer has prepared her for this position, and she contributes her 40-yard personal record as a kicker to her time as a striker. 

With the support of her father, Addison plans on playing football for the rest of her high school career.

“When I told my dad that I wanted to play football this year, he was very supportive. It’s something I think I’ll continue throughout high school,” said Addison.

Although Addison hasn’t been playing football for long, her spot on the team has inspired fellow classmates. 

“I think it’s really great that a girl is on the team this year,” said sophomore Bailey Craig. “I hope that we can see more of this in the future.”

In terms of her training, Addison is held to similar standards as her male counterparts. She participates in all of the same workouts and strives to do her best every practice.

Addison, inspired by her teammates, hopes to make the varsity team next year.

“I definitely want to try to be on varsity next year,” said Addison. “Austin [Cox] is the kicker for varsity and he’s really good. He’s a sophomore, so I’m only one year behind him.”

Addison is also met with support from her teammates.

“She’s really hard working and a great kicker,” said freshman Nicholas Dyal.

This story was originally published on The Current on October 9, 2023.