As Rockledge High School student Gracie Davis heard her school intercom call for a shelter in place, she thought it was only a drill, until it upgraded to a lockdown. Minutes later, the SWAT team arrived. “No one was really taking it seriously until my teacher said it wasn’t a drill,” Davis said. “We had no idea what the extent of the situation was: it could’ve all been nothing, but we were waiting to hear gunshots outside our room.” On Oct. 4, the Rockledge Police Department received a report of a student with a firearm at Rockledge High School. “I was honestly terrified. It was one of those things where you never think it’ll happen to you or at your school until it does,” Davis said. “I just kept thinking at what point do I start texting everyone saying I love...
By Sih Yu (Melody) Lin and Aprameya Rupanagunta
By Kairui Sun and Mendy Mao
By Kaydence Wilkinson, Cedar Park High School
By Sophia Hsu and Inez Stephenson
By Spencer White, University of Minnesota
By Sophie Eydis, University of Minnesota
By Brady Barnard, Utica University
By Breannan O'Hara, Utica University
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