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The best stories being published on the SNO Sites network

Best of SNO

The best stories being published on the SNO Sites network

Best of SNO

Cassidy Vallin (Left) and Bryan Connolly (Right) from Circus Foundry dance as a part of their show during the opening ceremony of Conifer High School’s 9th annual Peace Day. Circus Foundry is a Denver-based contemporary circus that formed to share their art, help others in the process, and support local under-represented demographics in community gatherings. “Our main goal with your show was to be able to share the excitement of what the circus brings to people throughout the world,” Vallin said.

Kaleidoscope of Perspective

By Kanin Cadam, Conifer High School March 12, 2025

From the tunnels of Vietnam to the depths of one’s mind, from the corners of Peru to a mission to be kind, all Peace Day speakers gathered to share their each and every find. On Feb. 7, 332 students...

Can Ugur (’27) lunges to tackle a TASIS player as Arthur Lamond (’26) runs to help. Coach Ryan Erickson said the team will refer to their game against TASIS to see how they can improve in the future. “Monday, we’ll kind of review the game tape that we have, find some highlights of things we did well, applaud those and then look at things that we need to continue to work on and think about how we need to get better at,” Erickson said.

GALLERY Boys varsity rugby competes against TASIS

By Aden Ovenden, The American School in London March 6, 2025

This story was originally published on The Standard on February 10, 2025.

Jelani Conteh (’26) leaps toward the hoop as he extends his arm to dunk Feb. 5. Member of the boys varsity basketball team Jack Duffy (’25) said the team’s collaboration helped them succeed. “The game was really well played for all of us,” Duffy said. “We really came together, showed a lot of chemistry and were able to, you know, get the victory.”

GALLERY Boys varsity basketball plays TASIS in season’s final home game

By Sophia Bateman, The American School in London February 12, 2025

This story was originally published on The Standard on February 7, 2025.

Lukas Doepke (’27) competes in the 50-meter freestyle Feb. 1. Doepke said he hopes to improve his style by the end of the season. “For my technique, I really want to get better at turns,” Doepke said. “I’d also like to get better at my freestyle because it’s, you know, the coolest one.”

GALLERY Swimmers compete in full-day meet

By Sophia Bateman, The American School in London February 7, 2025

This story was originally published on The Standard on February 5, 2025.

Daniel Bremer takes his opponent to the mat displaying impressive strength in the moment.

Photo Gallery: Orono Wrestling at Andover

By Nicolas Pasulka, Orono High School January 15, 2025

This story was originally published on The Spartan Speaks on December 18, 2024.

Driving towards the basket, sophomore Cade Walker draws contact to the face on his way up. Millard West defeated the Chieftains 57-49.

Boys & Girls Basketball vs. Bellevue East

By Sam Whittaker, Millard West High School December 20, 2024

This story was originally published on The Catalyst on December 18, 2024.

NEW CHALLENGE, NEW TEAM MEMBERS: Every season, VEX creates a new game that robotics team members are faced with and have to build a robot to compete in. This year’s game forces students to create a robot that is able to stack rings onto mobile goals in order to score points. The change in games each season is something that robotics teacher Audrea Moyers appreciates.

“One of the things that I like about VEX is that they have a new problem to solve every year,” she said. ¨Even though the equipment’s the same, they have to analyze the game, and they have to come up with solutions that are unique that year. They are using their knowledge from prior years, but they have to kind of redesign a problem.”

As returning teams were faced a new game, some new teams and members had to adapt to a uncommon playing field and game.

“Three of our four teams were competing for the first time this year, and they had very different experiences match to match, so I think they learned a lot,¨ she said. ¨It’s hard just watching a video online to know how it’s actually going to be in person, so they all learned a lot about what gameplay is like, how to work with an alliance partner [and] how to adapt during the day to changes.”

Robotics hosts VEX tournament

By Lillian Gray and Wren Vanderford December 20, 2024

The McCallum robotics program hosted a Vex robotics tournament on Saturday Dec. 7, which drew in 27 teams, four of those were underclassmen teams from Mac—B, C, D and E. This season’s game is called...

Dan Bovey announces his candidacy for West Chicago mayor during a rally held on Saturday, Nov. 23, at the Beron Design Group in downtown West Chicago.

[PHOTO ESSAY] Bovey announces mayoral run, promising change for West Chicago

By Ruby Guerrero, West Chicago Community High School December 3, 2024

Dan Bovey and his family battled harsh winds and weather to bring new hope and inspiration to West Chicago citizens during his announcement of a mayoral run—the first time in a decade a new candidate...

AS EASY AS PB&J: At the blindfold sandwich-making station, senior Zane Wiggins and Kai Talebi attempt to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The activity allowed students to experience the mundane task without sight. Wiggins found that the simple activity turned into a challenge in almost every aspect of the process.

"It was pretty rough," he said. "My bread wasn’t put together properly, and I put my jelly right next to my plate and not on the plate, it was really difficult. I was expecting it to be easier than it was cause I'd made sandwiches all my life, and I thought 'I can do this from muscle memory,' but it was a lot harder than I thought, and it makes you not take your sight for granted. Access to your sight makes things so much easier."

Since students participating are used to having full sight, it was difficult to adapt to the sudden loss of a sense.

"I had to kind of guess where things were and the plate was moving a lot," he said. "Every time I would reach for the plate it would be in a different location, so I kind of had to feel around for everything."

Along with that, Wiggins had to work together with Talebi to communicate to communicate which ingredient he needed next.

"I had to share the peanut butter and the jelly with Kai, so we had to coordinate with each other on who gets what first," he said. "I knew Kai was right next to me, but it was hard to know where her hands were. We had to find each other's arm and make our way up to pass the ingredients."

Caption by Lillian Gray.

Learning to see without sight

By Lillian Gray and Wren Vanderford November 20, 2024

Peer Assistance Leadership and Service students took a trip to the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired last Tuesday for their annual Blind Awareness Day. The event gave PALS members a chance...

Coach Adam Chavez comforts senior Tommy Murphy after the team's loss to the Ironmen in round one of the playoffs.

[PHOTO ESSAY] Play by play, brick by brick

By Miley Pegg, West Chicago Community High School November 5, 2024

The West Chicago Wildcats' season ended in a hard-fought battle against the Normal Community Ironmen, falling 41-16, but the scoreboard could not capture the grit and heart that carried them there. In...

ALL ABOUT ALTOS: In the midst of the prelims performance of “Fury Road,” movement captain and alto section leader junior Liliana Escamilla, makes her way through the music and choreography with other members of the alto section by her side. This being her third year as a member of the band, Escamilla has played in the Bands of America Regional competition before and knew what to expect.

“It went pretty well and most people were pretty proud of how they performed,” she said. “The competition has always been an extremely hard one as most of the bands are 6A, so we do it as more of an experience to improve, but I feel like it definitely benefited us to see what we can do better for the next competition next Saturday.”

Band sharpens its craft at first competition of season

By Lillian Gray and Wren Vanderford October 16, 2024

The band took on the Bands of America Regional competition to perform this season's show, ¨Fury Road.¨ The event was held at the Kelly Reeves Stadium in Round Rock on Saturday and marks the band's first...

The Blue Angels diamond performs the barrel roll break during the 2024 Fleet Week Airshow.

2024 Fleet Week Airshow stuns spectators with one of the best performances in years

By Jonah Rossiter, Archie Williams High School October 16, 2024

During the Oct. 11-13 Fleet Week Airshow, an annual spectacle in the San Francisco Bay Area, an array of aircraft perform 10-12 acts for audiences around the bay. Aircraft perform various aerial maneuvers,...

COLALEO IN THE YELLOW SUIT: Senior Joe Colaleo rehearses ferociously confronts the Tuck family about the water that turns people immortal as the cast of McCallum Theater’s fall production Tuck Everlasting blocks a scene. The rehearsal is for the actors to know where to be placed and stand throughout the show.

“I am feeling great about the process and creation of the show as a whole,” Colaleo said. “We are working really fast, we are super prepared. Everyone is working really hard, and we are just finishing up learning set traffic, cleaning and perfecting the show.”

In the show, Colaleo plays The Man in the Yellow Suit, a character he was hoping to get when auditioning. The character is greedy and selfish and his goal is to become wealthy by selling water from the spring in the woods.

“I want the water to sell for money and they are stopping me,” Colaleo said.

For Colaleo, Tuck Everlasting represents the start of his senior year and the final season with McCallum Theater.

“Playing this role as a senior is very fulfilling and fun,” Colaleo said. “Everyone looks up to you and you get a sense of accomplishment and pride when you see others doing well.”

Looking back on his four years in theater production, Colaleo said he wants to do everything he can this year to support the underclassmen and have fun in the rest of the shows this year.

“I really appreciate the process a lot more this year, knowing it will be one of the last times I’m doing something like this at McCallum and I won’t see a lot of these people for a long time,” Colaleo said.

Caption by Nate Williams.

‘Everlasting’ rehearsal process nears its end

By JoJo Barnard, Sunday Cardinal, Tegan Hahn, Delaney Lavelle, Lilah Lavigne, Beatrix Lozach, Sophia Manos, Tallulah McAuliffe, Josie Mullan, Riley Pita, Adele Seeboth, Nico Williamson, and Nate Williams October 10, 2024

MacTheatre has been closely working on the fall musical Tuck Everlasting since Aug. 5, when the cast of 35 people leapt headfirst into vocal and choreography rehearsals. They spent hours rehearsing everything...

Station 4 firefighter Natasha Hunt participates in the memorial stair climb for the first time. As one of many people partaking in the tradition, Hunt climbed the Pleasant Valley Tower nine times, for a total of roughly 1,368 feet of stairs.

Austin firefighters climb 1,368 stairs—World Trade Center height—to honor 9/11 heroes

By Lillian Gray, McCallum High School September 17, 2024

This morning the Austin Fire Department climbed 1,368 feet of stairs, the height of the World Trade Center in 2001. For over an hour, participants made their way up and down the Pleasant Valley Tower,...

Caps in the air, senior Kaya Miller celebrates the conclusion of the graduation. PHS graduates, all 823, had their own favorite memories to share. “My last football game season was definitely memorable. I always went with my three friends and we would make a whole tradition out of it,” Miller said. “We would get ready, go to the game and then go to either dinner at Texas Roadhouse or In-n-Out.”

Seniors celebrate 2024 graduation

By Sofia Ayala, Jake Radcliffe, and Erica Deutsch May 30, 2024

Who: Prosper High School Seniors What: PHS Graduation Where: Children's Health Stadium When: Thursday May 23 at 9 a.m. What's next: The...

BACKGROUND IN THE BUSINESS: Dressed by junior designer Kaitlyn Gerrie, senior Chamila Muñoz took to the “Dreamland” runway this past weekend. While it was her first time participating in the McCallum fashion show, Muñoz isn’t new to the modeling world. 

I modeled here and there when I was a lot younger, maybe five or six [years old] for some jewelry brands and small businesses, but not much in recent years,” Muñoz said. 

Muñoz had hoped to participate in last year’s show but couldn’t due to scheduling conflicts. For her senior year, though, she couldn’t let the opportunity pass her by. 

“It’s [modeling] something I haven’t done in a while so I was excited to step out of my comfort zone in a way,” Muñoz said. “I always love trying new things and being able to show off designs of my schoolmates is such an honor.” 

The preparation process for the show was hectic, leaving the final reveal of Gerrie’s design until days before the show, but the moment Muñoz tried on the outfit, all the stress for both designer and model melted away. 

“I didn’t get to try on my outfit until the day before, but the look on Kaitlyn’s face when she saw what she had worked so hard to make actually on a model was just so special,” Muñoz said. “I know it meant so much to her. But then she handed me a blindfold and told me I’d be walking with it on, so that was pretty wild.” 

Caption by Francie Wilhelm.

Mac fashion show brings ‘Dreamland’ to reality

By JoJo Barnard, Chloe Lewcock, Callen Romell, Ingrid Smith, Maya Tackett, Priya Thoppil, and Francie Wilhelm May 21, 2024

The annual McCallum fashion show took place over on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon in the McCallum Arts Center. The show displayed a variety of looks created by an array of designers, all fitting...

Positive Post-Its Project

Girl Up Club Produces Positive Post-its for Women’s History Month

By Onari Kahandawa, Piscataway High School May 21, 2024

Many girls share high school memories of quiet chattering, secret stares, and trying hard not to laugh for silly things while the teacher is talking.  However, The ‘Girl Up Club’ is a place for high...

The paper drop is an annual tradition at West Chicago Community High School, always held on the seniors' last day of classes.

Seniors celebrate final day of high school

By Sami Moesch, West Chicago Community High School May 17, 2024

The Class of 2024 started their high school careers on Zoom, with hybrid learning the year after. Those very seniors walked the halls for one last time on May 8 before saying farewell to what can only...

TO THE BEAT OF THEIR OWN DRUM: Senior King Perez plays the drums with his band, Red River Trucking Co. at Thursday’s Battle of the Bands.

The band had plans to play “Red River Line” as well as a new song they had been working on, “Road Dog Fever,” but later decided to add “12 Gauge Shotgun” and “Lawbreakin’ Man.”

“We chose the first two because they’re newer and we feel like they’ve come together and are a good representation of us now,” Perez said.

Perez shared that the band performed well overall and that the audience’s reaction was the best pay off.

“My most memorable moment from that night was seeing everyone jumping off the stage and moshing,” he said. “It is always awesome seeing people enjoy our music in that way.”

Caption by Gaby Esquivel.

Battle of the Bands offers mosh to be proud of

By JoJo Barnard, Julia Copas, Gaby Esquivel, Shila Gill, Evelyn Jenkins, Chloe Lewcock, Helen Martin, Maggie Mass, Caroline Owen, Alice Scott, and Lanie Sepehri April 12, 2024

Local bands took the stage in the McCallum Fine Arts Building and battled it out last Thursday during this year’s edition of the Battle of the Bands. Mac Classical Guitar kicked off the new year with...

In a circle, GT American Studies students look at the half-eclipsed sun as they lie on the practice turf. Teachers passed out protective eclipse glasses to students at the start of third period. "It was definitely a cool experience," junior Jacob Piehl said. "It was crazy seeing how quickly the moon came over the sun and how dark everything was." Seen in the photo, starting at the yellow shirt and working clockwise, are juniors Annabelle Nugent, Erica Smith, Savannah Westwick, Sarah Goddard, Lauren Owen, Jacob Piehl and Avery Parker.

Total eclipse brings students together to view once-in-a-lifetime event

By ENO Staff, Jake Radcliffe, Srihitha Madepalli, Sofia Ayala, Erica Deutsch, Will Ligon, and Isabel Multer April 10, 2024

As students walk to the turf, junior Brandon Livingston gets a view of the partial eclipse. The partial eclipse took place before and after the total eclipse from 12:32 to 3:02 p.m. Nearly 12 cities...

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Junior Zalie Mann performs “I Love to Cry at Weddings,” an ensemble piece from the fall musical Sweet Charity, to prospective students during the Fine Arts Showcase on Wednesday, Nov. 8. The showcase is a compilation of performances and demonstrations from each fine arts strand offered at McCallum. This show is put on so that prospective students can see if they are interested in joining an academy or major. 

Sweet Charity originally ran the weekends of Sept. 28 and Oct. 8, but made a comeback for the Fine Arts Showcase. 

“[Being at the front in the spotlight] is my favorite part of the whole dance, so I was super happy to be on stage performing and smiling at the audience,” Mann said. 

Mann performed in both the musical theatre performance and dance excerpt “Ethereal,” a contemporary piece choreographed by the new dance director Terrance Carson, in the showcase. With also being a dance ambassador, Mann got to talk about what MAC dance is, her experience and answer any questions the aspiring arts majors and their parents may have. 

Caption by Maya Tackett.

McCallum shows off award-winning Fine Arts Academy programs to prospective Knights

By JoJo Barnard, Gaby Esquivel, Sophie Leung-Lieu, Chloe Lewcock, Aubrey Macedo, Caroline Owen, Lanie Sepehri, Maya Tackett, Priya Thoppil, and Francie Wilhelm February 23, 2024

To give incoming students a taste of what the Fine Arts Academy is really like, McCallum hosted its annual fine arts showcase. The event, held Nov. 8, allowed the academy to show off each discipline and...

SPREADING THE JOY: Sophomore Chim Becker poses with sophomores Cozbi Sims and Lou Davidson while manning a table at the Hispanic Heritage treat day during lunch  of Sept 28. Becker is a part of the students of color alliance, who put together the activity to raise money for their club.

“It [the stand] was really fun because McCallum has a lot of latino kids,” Becker said. “And I think it was nice that I could share the stuff that I usually just have at home with people who have never tried it before.”

Becker recognizes the importance of celebrating Hispanic heritage at Mac.

“I think it's important to celebrate,” Becker said. “Because our culture is awesome and super cool, and everybody should be able to learn about other cultures of the world.”

Caption by JoJo Barnard.

Mac celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

By JoJo Barnard, Shila Gill, Evelyn Jenkins, Chloe Lewcock, Beatrix Lozach, Josie Mullan, and Alice Scott January 12, 2024

As part of McCallum’s Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations, the Student of Color Club put on a variety of activities to show their appreciation and pride. Part of their month-long festivities, the club...

Ziad Ben-Gacem (’25) speaks to Clarisa Gomez Rodriguez (’24) in the show’s opening scene during dress rehearsal Nov. 13. Rodriguez sang the first song of the musical, “I Get a Kick Out of You.”

GALLERY Students perform High School musical ‘Anything Goes’

By Laila Taraporevala, The American School in London November 30, 2023

The Performing Arts Department put on the fall musical “Anything Goes” Nov. 16-18. Set on the S.S. American, a boat traveling from New York to London in 1934, “Anything Goes” follows a combination...

The Urban Stream Research Center is part of the Blackwell Forest Preserve system. Students in AP Environmental Studies are able to visit this site as part of a field trip in the fall.

[PHOTO ESSAY] WEGO water testing

By Eshan Amir, West Chicago Community High School November 28, 2023

There exists a special kind of water that cannot be found in grocery stores, malls, or water fountains anywhere in America - one with a taste that cannot be quickly forgotten. That is right: microorganism-filled,...

Head bent, head coach Tyler Moore laughs after the team dumped the water on his head, in celebration. This is Moore's first year as head coach. The team has earned multiple iconic wins and accomplishments under his guidance.

Column: Football season through my lens

By Riley McConnell and Isabel Multer November 10, 2023

This story contains an alternate format that can only be viewed on the original site. View this story on Eagle Nation Online. It was originally published on November 2, 2023.

WATER BALLOONS AND SMILES: Senior Peer Assistance and Leadership program member Jude Masoni holds up his fellow PAL, senior David Herring, as a human shield to protect himself from the path of an incoming water balloon. Students paid  to throw a balloon at the PALS on Tuesday as part of the shooting PAL-ery, one of the Pink Week fundraisers intended to raise money for the Breast Cancer Resource Center of Central Texas, an Austin-based non-profit that provides personalized support to those affected by breast cancer.  Year after year the PALS put on Pink Week in order to raise funds and awareness for the fight against breast cancer. The PALS put on a variety of different events the whole week at lunch in hopes of both bringing in profits and bringing an exciting week of fun to the McCallum community.   

Herring was made a target of the water balloon by his cross country teammates.

“I enjoyed seeing my teammates coming out to donate as I was telling them about it the week prior,” Herring said. “I was also just having fun on that nice day with my fellow PALS. Some of them that did the pallery that day, like Jude, I’ve known since elementary school.”

Caption by Chloe Lewcock with reporting by JoJo Barnard.

Pink Week soars to new fund-raising heights

By Sutton Banning, JoJo Barnard, Olivia Dungan, Carlo Hinsdale, Chloe Lewcock, Beatrix Lozach, Helen Martin, and Olin Michalovic October 31, 2023

Longtime PALS adviser Richard Cowles remembers when Pink Week was a young Mac tradition and would bring in around $200. More than a decade later, he says, the expectation is that Pink Week will bring in...

The mall has been abandoned since 2017 and is often nicknamed "The Quad."

Photo Essay: Charlestowne mall: once booming, now abandoned

By Dhanveer Gill, West Chicago Community High School October 20, 2023

A car commercial is not the first thing that people think of when Charlestowne Mall comes to mind; instead, a once lively and popular shopping center is often far more memorable in the minds of the residents...

That 70th Show (and Tell)

That 70th Show (and Tell)

By Julia Copas, McCallum High School October 19, 2023

On Sept. 8, 1953, A. N. McCallum High School, named after AISD's third superintendent, opened its doors to the 1,336 students enrolled. They weren't Knights yet because they hadn't yet picked the mascot....

The Head and the Heart opened with an acoustic set, consisting of only three band members.

Goin’ “Down in the Valley” for the Head and the Hearts’ music festival

By Ella Furuichi, Archie Williams High School October 16, 2023

Nestled in the middle of downtown Napa Valley, the first Down in the Valley music festival took place at the Oxbow RiverStage, Saturday, Sept. 2, and Sunday, Sept. 3, featuring a lineup of nine talented...

ONE FINAL HURRAH BEFORE THE TORCH IS PASSED DOWN: With the upcoming football season nearing a fast approach, the marching band is preparing its halftime segment for the games. While the first game isn’t until Thursday, the band took the opportunity to put on its annual Bandapalooza for family and friends. The event's goal is simply to show off what the band has been working on and to give the community an early peek at what's to come.

For senior Frank Montesinos, Bandapalooza is not only a fun experience but also a beneficial one. 

“The showcase gives a perspective of how our rehearsals are run,” Montesinos said. 

While the show itself is a whole marching band production, Montesinos is part of a saxophone quartet with a feature in the second movement of the show along with William Viner, Elliot Taylor and Aubrey Mitchell. 

“It’s nice being able to show off our individual talent in such an exposed section,” Montesinos said.  

One of Montesinos fellow quartet members, senior William Viner said it was worth all the hours of work he and his bandmates put in.

“Bandapalooza is always the first performance we do for people,” Viner said. “It’s satisfying to finally get to put together a month's work of heat and hard work.” 

But given that he’s a senior, it also means that this was Viner's last Bandapalooza. 

“I thought I would be very sad in my last year,” Viner said, “but it’s honestly more sweet than bitter. I feel much stronger and more confident as a senior and a leader. It’s fun to pass the band torch down to new underclassmen.” 

Viner said he is excited to pass the tradition on to younger high schoolers just as early band members passed it on to him.

Caption by Chloe Lewcock.

MacBand reaches for the stars

By JoJo Barnard, Julia Copas, Naomi Di-Capua, Chloe Lewcock, Maggie Mass, Alice Scott, Lanie Sepehri, Ingrid Smith, Lucas Walker, and Francie Wilhelm October 12, 2023

Through the sweltering heat, the McCallum band showed off the first two movements of their 2023 contest show, “Starsurfer” in the band parking lot on Friday night. The annual Bandapalooza event gives...

Dressed as Professor McGonagall, AP Precalculus teacher Monica Russell goes over answers to problems that students assigned to the different Harry Potter houses solved. Each correct answer gave that house a point. “I hope that I can make (math) a little bit more interesting,” Mrs. Russell said.

Bring in the Teachers, Bring in the Magic

By Genesis Arrieta, Dreyfoos School of the Arts October 12, 2023

“I’d like students to see a richer world so that they can live a richer life,” science teacher Timothy Siniscalchi said. “I don’t want my classes to just be words on a page, where rules are...

The Homecoming Bonfire burns in the night Sept. 21. According to Fire Science, the fire was approximately 25 ft. high and 500 degrees Celsius. “The Homecoming Bonfire is always a cool tradition to be a part of and it’s cool to see the fire itself and how high it can get,” Mason Conrad ‘24 said.

The Heat of The Moment: A Homecoming Bonfire Recap

By Avalon Nielsen and Baylie Van Horn Turnidge October 5, 2023

Fire blazing, heat roaring, smoke billowing and hundreds of students huddled together. This is the Homecoming Bonfire. The Homecoming Bonfire was one of many Homecoming events, following the parade...

CHEERS AND CHESTS: Freshmen cheer on the Knights with “McCallum” written across their chests in blue paint. Freshman Hugo Smith said the shirtless display of spirit was a spur-of-the-moment decision.

“Everyone in our row that we were sitting with participated,” Smith said. “We just told everyone ‘Take your shirt off. Write your letter.’”

Smith said he knew the Knights needed some spirit to get through the game. 

“It says that I care about my team,” Smith said.

Caption by Julia Copas with reporting by Ingrid Smith.

Some things borrowed, some things new, but all things Taco Shack still McCallum blue

By JoJo Barnard, Julia Copas, Naomi Di-Capua, Chloe Lewcock, Alice Scott, Lanie Sepehri, Ingrid Smith, and Maya Tackett September 25, 2023

McCallum’s observation of the Taco Shack was a mix of old traditions blended with new ideas. The student government pulled ideas from homecoming and Pink Week to bring a new experience to Taco Shack....

The Wildcats defend the endzone against the Bartlett Hawks as the game approaches halftime on Sept. 1.

Photo Essay: WEGO wins against Bartlett

By Emily Ziajor, West Chicago Community High School September 18, 2023

West Chicago Wildcats vs. Bartlett Hawks. The first football home game took place on Sept. 1 at WCCHS in Memorial Stadium. The West Chicago Wildcats came out victorious with a score of 21-14, securing...

Though I have visited many amusement parks, I owe my passion to Kennywood Park above anywhere else.

Memories of an Amusing Hobby

By Andrew McLaughlin, North Allegheny Senior High School June 1, 2023

In 1977, a North Hills amusement park called West View Park closed forever. 35 years after the park’s closure, a seven-year-old boy wandered into his local library’s nonfiction section and pulled a...

‘ONE TWO’ THREE GO: Seniors Nia Wayman, Sophia Kramer and Olivia Falcon lead the team’s formation in hip hop number ‘One Two Step,’ choreographed by Caroline Cullers. Wayman enjoyed conveying the intensity of the number to the audience. 

“My favorite part would have to be the headspring whackpack kip-up,” Wayman said.

Overall, though, Wayman found this year’s spring show to be bittersweet as she said goodbye to the people and program that had been a part of her life for so many years. 

“I was excited throughout but I was also sad that it was the last time I would dancing as part of Blue Brigade,” she said. 

Caption by Francie Wilhelm.

A Knight of glitz and ‘glamour’

By Kate Boyle, Naomi Di-Capua, Chloe Lewcock, Caroline Owen, Charlie Partheymuller, Ingrid Smith, Priya Thoppil, Francie Wilhelm, and Dave Winter May 18, 2023

After a successful year of performances, pep rallies and dance competitions, the Blue Brigade ended its season last weekend in the annual spring show. Held in the MAC and hosted by class of ‘22 officers...

PINK FOR PROM: Seniors Vaughn Vandegrift, Peter Wiseman, Max Yehaskel and Alex Gold sing and dance their hearts out at Saturday’s “Under the Knight Sky” prom. Yehaskel and Wiseman stood out in the sea of black and navy suits as the pair opted for bright pink with contrasting, yet coordinating, shirts and ties. While the style decision seemed big to onlookers, for Yehaskel it was a simple choice.

“I like pink, it’s a solid color,” he said. “It almost melted when I ironed it actually. It’s 100% polyester, and I got it from Kohl’s.”

Yehaskel enjoyed prom overall, except when it came to the royalty announcement.

“Someone stole prom queen from me,” he joked. “It was very tragic. But other than that, it was fun.”

As prom marks another milestone at the end of senior year, Yehaskel is ready to sit back, relax and enjoy his last few weeks as a Knight.

“My grades don’t matter anymore [and] after AP tests I’m done,” Yehaskel said. “I’m going to go nuts, and I’m going to start cooking more.”

Caption by Francie Wilhelm.

Students shine like stars ‘Under the Knight Sky’

By Kate Boyle, Morgan Eye, Meredith Grotevant, Chloe Lewcock, Sophie Kessler, Gergő Major, Helen Martin, Caroline Owen, Alice Scott, Ingrid Smith, Grace Vitale, J. Frank Webster, Francie Wilhelm, and Dave Winter May 17, 2023

After four years of classes, COVID and all kinds of change, the class of 2023 kicked of its graduation festivities with the “Under the Knight Sky” prom last Saturday. Prom, which welcomed seniors and...

Dance senior Lindsey Ryerson, theatre senior Mary Keith, and dance senior Alexis Carter do jazzercise moves to the song “Push It” by Salt-N-Pepa in the senior generation dance.

Dancing through History

By Aidan Smith, Dreyfoos School of the Arts May 4, 2023

Denim, spandex, nylon, and neon erupted onto the bleachers as SGA co-presidents communications senior Kate Wagner and strings senior Sofia Plaza welcomed students in the gym to Generation Day activities....

LOVE AND JOY: As she dances in her beautiful dress, sophomore Amy Love reflects on the joy it brings to see her father so happy during the McCallum Quinceañera. "I think that this event was really beautiful and fun to experience especially for my dad, seeing him so happy and having my family experience this," Love said. "My family isn’t big on doing huge celebrations so me and my sister weren’t able to have a quinceañera, but we loved being able to share this day with all the other quinceañeras and their families." Despite the stress of daily meetings and practices leading up to the event, Love found it all worth it for the fun and memories made on the quinceañera day. "It was really stressful doing the whole entire meetings and practice because it was every single day, but whenever it was the actual day of it, it was actually really fun," Love said. Overall, Love found the quinceañera event to be a very meaningful experience, which could not have happened without the hard work of Spanish teacher Juana Gun. "I want to give a huge thank you to Ms. Gun for making it all possible and being such a sweet person to all of us," Love said. Caption by Gergő Major.

McCallum Quinceañera celebrates comeback

By Kate Boyle, Tristen Diaz, Chloe Lewcock, Gergő Major, Lanie Sepehri, Ingrid Smith, Priya Thoppil, Camilla Vandegrift, Grace Vitale, Francie Wilhelm, and Dave Winter April 18, 2023

With extravagant dresses, a smiling crowd and a music-filled dance floor, the fourth-ever McCallum Quinceañera brought students together this past Saturday after years of COVID-induced shutdowns. The...

Junior Anna Wiltzer braves the wind and rain with her homemade sign to protest gun violence in Wednesday's student walk out.

Students walk out to protest gun violence amid wind and rain

By Jackson Barnard, Brie Quick, Abby Hosler, Ella Morofsky, Avery Bogemann, Kayla Malaski, Jenna Abdukhak, Trevor Anderson, Mitchell Barnard, Kennedy Beck, Chase VanderWalle, and Ashton Hall, Mariah McCollough, Kayla Miller, Lauren Pernie, Ash Weller April 7, 2023

Not even thunder, lightning, heavy rain, 55 mph wind gusts and a Tornado Watch could deter students from walking out to protest gun violence on Wednesday, April 5. “We are tired of gun violence and want...

Theatre senior Mason Materdomini stands in the wings, waiting to go onstage during the theatre department’s in-school performance of the first act of “Pippin” on March 2.

In the Wings

By Aiden Velez, Dreyfoos School of the Arts March 31, 2023

For every performance audiences watch onstage, there is another happening above, below, to the sides, and behind it. Technical theatre students operate a network of light and sound systems, raise and lower...

Lisa Licari holds up five cow eyeballs that have yet to be dissected. They are stored in a container with liquid in order to keep the eyeballs' fluid intact.

Photo Essay: Scenes of dissection at WEGO

By Sasha Baumgartner, West Chicago Community High School March 16, 2023

On March 9, science teacher Lisa Licari's human anatomy class conducted a dissection of a cow's eyeball. This is one of the many dissections students in this science class takes part in to further their...

FIREFIGHTERS FEEL THE HEAT: Kessler performs another car extraction while the sun beats down and reflects off exposed metal car pieces. As the skill day, which started at 7:30 a.m., progressed into the afternoon, the temperatures rose.

“Once we were like six hours in, holding tools got really hard because the ‘Jaws of Life’ are super heavy,” Kessler said. “I got calluses on my hands even though I was wearing gloves. By the end of it, I could feel my arms and I thought they were going to fall off.”

As tough as the work was, Kessler felt accomplished at the end of the long skill day.

“Getting physical confirmation that you did it right from the actual firefighters, and they congratulate you and say you did a good job, it feels good because it's a hard skill,” Kessler said.

Caption by Maggie Mass.

Fire Academy gets heated with ‘Jaws of Life’ exercise

By Gergő Major, Maggie Mass, and Ingrid Smith March 10, 2023

LBJ Fire Academy students visited a junkyard on Feb. 11 for their fourth skill day of the year. This time, the firefighters in training focused on vehicle extrication, the process of removing the vehicle...

SETTING THE STAGE: Senior Lauren Ryan-Holt (Leading Player) welcomes the audience in the show’s opening number, 'Magic to Do.'  As a play within a play, Pippin has many layers to it, including the opening number which is performed as if the cast members were arriving at rehearsal and setting up for the top of the show

“It’s the cast's musical bait to the audience,” Ryan-Holt said. “We’re luring them into the production we’re about to put on. We describe the journey and all the magical, fantastic things that will take place along the way. We literally set the stage for both the show and the audience’s expectations.”

Ryan-Holt opens the number and leads the other ensemble members until the song turns into a fully choreographed number. However, for Ryan-Holt, the opening seductive chords are her favorite part.

“There’s just something so mystical and enticing about how it sounds,” Ryan-Holt said. “It’s the one part where you can feel the full focus of the audience.”

Reporting by Alice Scott. Photo by Gergo Major.  

Like its title character, ‘Pippin’ evolving with each act

By JoJo Barnard, Chloe Lewcock, Gergő Major, Alice Scott, Ingrid Smith, and Francie Wilhelm February 17, 2023

Last Thursday marked the first of eight runs of MacTheater's spring musical, Pippin. Following an acting troupe and narrated by Leading Player (senior Lauren Ryan-Holt), the play-within-a-play chronicles...

LAST TIME FOR THE TRIO: Seniors and chamber choir members Cate Thomason, Georgiana Murray and Stella Pitts perform “Landslide” in the style of The Chicks during a performance of the annual choir cabaret. This year’s cabaret production, themed “This is the Moment… Be a Light,” featured songs about the choice humans face to build someone up or break them down. Thomason said after four years of performing together, the trio’s personalities blend as well as their voices. For the trio, this Cabaret was bittersweet.

“We weren’t that nervous this year because we’ve been singing together for so long,” Thomason said.  “We were mainly just excited and sad that it was our last year singing together.”

Former choir directors Malcolm Nelson and Cheryl Lindquist returned to Mac to put on Cabaret this year. Thomason said Nelson and Lindquist’s fun taste in music made the experience even better.

“Cabaret is a lot of work but it’s a lot of fun music and an exciting experience,” Thomason said. “We are really fortunate to have Mr. Nelson and Dr. Lindquist coach and help us with everything. I think they’re really good at picking fun songs and putting so much together in such a short amount of time.”

Photo by Francesca Dietz. Reporting by Ingrid Smith.

Cabaret 2022 succeeds in bringing the ‘Light’

By JoJo Barnard, Francesca Dietz, Chloe Lewcock, Alice Scott, Ingrid Smith, Camilla Vandegrift, and Francie Wilhelm December 13, 2022

Last weekend, McCallum's choir held its annual cabaret show, 'THIS IS THE MOMENT: Be a light.' The showcase provided students an opportunity to perform an entire semester's musical work for friends and...

The opening scene of the play. Lead Matthew Menendez, who plays Christopher, lays on Wellington.

Photo Essay: Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

By Madalen Erez, Coral Springs Charter School November 18, 2022

Theatre's production, Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, aired November 4. It was met with great success. "I put my all in, and feel like it showed," said Matthew Menendez, who played lead...

FUN WITH FRIENDS: Sophomores Hazel Trominski, Julia Rasp and Zalie Mann pose for the camera during Pink Week’s lunch festivities. Students in the science courtyard throughout the week enjoyed the activities while spending time with friends and sporting their best pink wear. Rasp went all-out during Pink Week, pink being her favorite color. “I think it’s awesome that they’re raising money for breast cancer awareness and doing fun stuff and that a lot of it is student-organized,” Rasp said.
Caption by Camilla Vandegrift.

Pink Week 2022 sets standard for fun, fundraising

By Evie Barnard, JoJo Bernard, Isley Cameron, Jolie Gabriel, Chloe Lewcock, Gergo Major, Helen Martin, Emerson Merritt, Lanie Sepehri, Ingrid Smith, Rio Sotelo, Sofia Thatcher, Elena Ulack, Camilla Vandegrift, Francie Wilhelm, and Dave Winter November 7, 2022

Last week McCallum celebrated Pink Week, its annual fundraiser for Breast Cancer Research Center- filling the halls with pink streamers, wearing as much pink as possible, pelting PALs with water balloons...

Senior Maya Cidale (Mal) alongside senior Kathryn Dooley (Evie), junior Henry Mayes (Carlos) and senior Anderson Zoll (Jay) perform "Ways to be Wicked," a number in which the four evils reunite to take over Auradon. For Cidale, developing her character was a significant aspect of her rehearsal process. “It was actually a very interesting process finding my version of Mal,” Cidale said.  “I started off by pretending to be Regina George if she had magic on her side, but then I took a closer look at how all of the iconic mean girls achieved that status. I realized it was all about making people second guess themselves. From that realization, I stemmed every tactic from wanting people to question what they know is right.” Reporting by Alice Scott.

‘Descendants’ brings Disney magic to life

By Jojo Barnard, Chloe Lewcock, Helen Martin, Alice Scott, Lanie Sepehri, Ingrid Smith, and Francie Wilhelm October 26, 2022

After weeks of hard work and late rehearsals, MacTheatre students displayed their talent in their annual fall musical: Disney’s Descendents the Musical, adapted from the original 2015 Disney film. Student...

SENIOR SEASON: Decked out in their jerseys, senior Parker Mitchell takes a photo of senior Sophia Kramer and friends before the first day of school in the senior parking lot. The night before, the class of ‘23 decorated their cars to show their senior pride going into their last year of high school. “It’s tradition for seniors to come and take [pictures] the morning before the first day of school,” Kramer said. “Being able to share that memory together is definitely bittersweet. I’m super excited for this year but I am anticipating all the lasts.” Reporting by Alice Scott.

Welcome back to Mac

By Naomi Di-Capua, Morgan Eye, Astrea Hagood, Alice Scott, Lanie Sepehri, Ingrid Smith, Francie Wilhelm, and Dave Winter October 4, 2022

On Monday, the McCallum halls echoed with the sights and sounds of freshmen looking for their classes in a maze of unfamiliar hallways, the marching band trumpeting a mighty welcome for the new superintendent...

UNDER THE UMBRELLA: Junior Wilson Corbitt heads toward his dad’s car near the portables during Monday afternoon’s rainstorm. Corbitt faired better than some students, having the forethought to bring an umbrella to school. “In that moment I thought ‘I bet you all thought I was crazy for bringing an umbrella on a sunny day,’” Corbitt said. His intuition proved right, but Corbitt connects this occurrence to a larger issue facing Austin and the planet. “Every year the weather in Texas gets more and more unpredictable and severe due to climate change,” Corbitt said. “And that’s coming off the back of one of the hottest summers on record where today was the first day since May under 90 degrees, which is making it progressively difficult to tell what might happen.” Reporting by Alice Scott.

Flash flood strikes Austin as school dismisses Monday

By Isley Cameron, Naomi Di-Capua, Meredith Grotevant, Sophie Leung-Lieu, Oliver Harrington, Helen Martin, Caroline Owen, Alice Scott, Ingrid Smith, Francie Wilhelm, and Dave Winter September 19, 2022

After more than 50 days without rain in the metro Austin area, heavy rain coincided with student dismissal for the third consecutive school day on Monday. The torrential rain was more severe than it was...

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